Sunday, July 17, 2011

Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city?

Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city? How was/is your experience? I currently live in Chicago (born & raised) and am thinking of relocating. I live in the inner city and am used to lots of noise, plenty people, and a vast of activities and places to see at all times/hours of the day. I know I can't expect Phoenix to be as fast paced as it is here in Chicago and my options of entertainment might be limited but that's fine as I'm looking for something more low-key for my family (I have two young children). How are the people? Are they friendly? We (here) have heard so many stories about Arizona government and officials, I know some must be exaggerations..are people racist toward latinos? Excuse me for being offensive but I don't want my family to be judged upon either (well, beyond the normal amount). How are the jobs? Schools? Restaurants (we are self labeled "foodies")? How is the crime? Please remember that while we live in one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Chicago we still feel safe and take comfort in knowing our community. Any word of advice will be greatly appreciated. (Yes, I know..beware the heat lol! For a girl that hates the winter I'll take 100 degrees any try shoveling 20 inches of snow..ugh, never again!!!)

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