Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hey, does anyone have any advice or opinions?

yes this is actually very common, this whole exact thing happened to me you must just have more patience, i come from a different country as well, and trust me its important to not forget where u came from. However this is difficult because no one here is gona understand you. America is not like any other country, most people here just do as their told even if the current fashion is completely retarded, and something ur parents will never really understand cause in fact it makes no sense to someone with culture. What you must do is listen to ur heart and be who U want. I chosse to learn and be everything, so ive developed a social talent to be able to talk to and relate to not only Americans but any race and cultural backround, being that i am a mix of Mexican, Japanese, African, and Spaniard. Have patience be real and be yourself youll notice u have an advantage over everyone that is making your life impossible, most people don't think for themselves and just mimic, and are totally fake. If u cant socialize properly its because you use more of ur brain than average people, so u are above average, in conclusion Average people will be told what to do and mimic that action like a robot. your brother is not a genius, Real geniuses instead have to fully understand and believe what their being told is really true and makes sense in their head, yes they must accept it as the absolute truth and feel confident believing what they just learned. have patience. Ur more special than u think.

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