Saturday, July 16, 2011

How do I not overreact to someone's religious and political beliefs?

By respecting their point of view maybe?...You see, Faith ( for every religion) comes from the heart, it cannot be proved right scientifically so, there's no way anyone can actually demonstrate that their own Faith is the right one. What overly religious people often do unfortunately is to arrogantly claim their Faith is the absolute Truth, and that makes them look down on people of different faiths, get aggressive towards them at times, or pity them as if they are fools. If everyone could just be more respectful of other people's perspetcives, the world would be such a better place...Personally, I don't care what a person believes in, to me what matters are the principles that person lives up to, the values he/she has; as long as someone has a good heart, listens to his/her own conscience, is selfless, compassionate, loyal and respectful, that person can have my whole heart for it doesn't matter where one gets his/her own principles from, what matters is he/she has them and lives up to them.

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