Thursday, July 21, 2011

Another probability question with dice?

Find a non standard way to label the 6 faces of two dice in such a way that the probability of their total being 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, and 12 is the same as a standard dice

UPS Electronic Shipping label.....?

As long as you are using clear tape you can go over the bar code. In fact it is better to use clear tape over the entire level that way it won't get torn during shipping.

How to insert symbols on blogspot, before "blog archive" and labels, such as arrows, little balls etc?

The gadgets "blog archive"and "labels" are already working properly on my blog (blogspot). But I'd like to see/insert, symbols such as arrows, for example, on the left side of the month (blog archive), and, maybe, little circles, or stars, besides "labels"(which are ordered on a "list", btw). Help, please!! Thanks.

I need my nails to grow, FAST!?

I've used garlic for years! The problem is that garlic smells really bad so I mash it up and put it inside a bottle of clear nail polish. You can do this and paint your nails with it a couple of times per week. It will also strengthen your nails.

Feedback on a passage I wrote?

Showing rather than telling can be especially difficult in first person narrative. You achieve it in the first paragraph better than in any other. I suggest attempting to eliminate forms of the verb "to be" in order to facilitate active rather than passive language. Also, you might want to eliminate or replace several adverbs. Your structure is good, and your word choices are diverse. One issue you may want to examine is your use of commas without conjunctions, in place of periods or semicolons, which causes awkward pauses for the reader and disrupts your flow. Case disagreement pops up repeatedly in this piece, which may be easily remedied with consistent tense. Overall, I think your words are engaging to the reader, better than most writers. Best thing I think you could do to improve this segment, and make it more "showing" instead of telling, is eliminate passive voice.

What the point of praying if God is going to do whatever it is that's according to his will?

I have known many faithfull God fearing people who have lost their loved ones including children in some of the most painfull and inconceivably awful ways and feel cheated by God. These people believed that it was God's will that their prayers be answered and their lives be richly blessed though they received the exact opposite of what they prayed for. I was a christian for over 10 years and I did have alot of faith though I cannot recall having a single prayer answered-ever. If God is a God of love then he would make an attempt to reveal it instead of muddling our minds with an endless stream of interpretations and division. I choose to believe in something through experience and not by having a 3rd party try to convince me on the valildity of their beliefs that cannot be backed by any tangible proof or personal testimonies.

I was told being atheist is...?

well since you believe in only yourself, and no supernatural deities, you are atheist. And when people are harassing you harass their assses back ya know. You should get shirts that have pictures of the devil on them and just walk through town bein a boss

Pls help any1.. to sell on ebay. I'm confused how to....?

I keep trying to sell on ebay but I always get muddled up with the posting fee and then I give up. AM I supposed to contact the post office or something or arrange a pickup shipping method myself? I never did this so I'm really confused how to sell stuff on there. How does the whole thing work? Plsss helpppp.. tell me how to step by step.. pls???

Do I still have to buy a present?

I have been invited to a friends confirmation for her daughter, she has now cancelled the communion party. She stated after the mass they are going to a cafe where people can purchase their own drinks and food out of their own pocket. Do I still have to buy a present if i am only going to the mass. I always throw a party for my kids at my own expense, but to me sounds like she is inviting people to the mass for the presents with no celebration afterwards.

Atheists I have proof you want and the proof you need?

I live in Utah and I've been to a lot of Mormon church services. They don't eat wafers. During sacrament they tear up pieces of bread to eat and drink a little tiny cup of water.

How is it that the two leading can't agree with what would fix the economy?

One party wants to fix the economy by yanking medical coverage from old people so they can give it to the rich. The other party wants to tax the rich a little more while reducing defense spending.

Does this guy like me?

Theres a really shy guy at school that's terrified of girls. However, I always see him looking at me. A while back I asked for his # so he Cango to a concert with me. He said "sure.". In the muddle of the convorsation i interrupted him and he said "ill give it to you tommorow.". I ask him the next day he says his phone broke. I decided to takes break from him and see what happened. Yesterday we had a peprally. He say behind me, when I scanned around the area behind me, I saw him staring down at me. In the past he used to hold back a smile, blush and run away from me. TodayMs the second last day of school; and he's going to be gone next year; how do I get his #?

In the Church of England discriminates against gays?

I personally do not understand how you can be religious if you are gay.. as pretty much all religions are against homosexuality.

Catholics Please answer this?

This is about a friend of mine (thought was a friend) He hadnt been to Mass in years and when he met me he started going with me but Obviously he couldnt recieve Holy Commuion. I told him if he wanted to go to Commuion he would have to go to Confession first. So after a while he told me he went to confession so I let him go up to Communion. But A while after that he told me he lied about going to confession. Im worried for my soul (even though I know its not my fault) I am very worried about his. What do I do

What's the best way to learn a new language?

I'm learning spanish and when I learn something new, I forget what I learned the last month. For example, I was learning directions last month and then I'm learning family this month. I forget what I've learned last month because I'm learning something new. And also when I learn a phrase e.g. "estos son nuestros los archivadores" I forget to say "son" or sometimes I say something like "estos es nuestros" or estos son nuestras". I muddle plural with singular or I muddle masculine phrases or verbs with feminine phrases or verbs

How do I keep my daughter from becoming a Methodist?

My daughter has a friend who invited her on a Church trip to Florida. My daughter came home from the trip and now wants to attend Methodist services. She thinks Methodists are NICER than Roman Catholics! My wife is livid! She won't encourage this at all! I'm far more open minded. She is 15 and really wants to attend because her girlfriend is attending. I'm sure, once the friendship dissolves, so will this infatuation with the Methodists. Although, I still feel I must tell her what Methodists believe. She was allowed on the trip because of this "Open Door Policy" the Methodists have: All are welcome! Gays aren't going to hell, and women are smart enough to run churches as ministers! Communion is only once a month, and there is NO real presence!!! Love, love, love seems to be the only rule!! No consequences for poor decisions. Should I just let my daughter be led by the hand into the depths of hell???

Does anyone know any independent record labels in the bay area?

Check out my song "Everyone starts From Somewhere" on youtube i have 10 songs total on youtube and like 20 songs total done on my laptop

Why is a guy labeled whipped when he cares about his girlfriend?

Why is it that a guy who cares for his girlfriend and is very loyal, considered whipped. Yet a guy who just jumps from girl to girl for sex is okay. It seems that caring and sensitivity towards your girlfriend triggers others to make negative comments about the relationship.

Grand Am Horn blares constantly?

I have a 2005 Pontiac Grand Am SE. My horn wasn't working so I pulled off the horn and cleaned it up then replaced a blown fuse. The high tone horn worked fine but the low tone sounded muddled like it was under water. 4 hrs later at 5am my car horn goes off in a steady tone. It is not my alarm going off. My husband thought it sounded like the low tone horn. Anyways I pulled the fuse immediately and it went off. Any idea what causes this and how much money I'll have to sink in it to repair it? It was a tad bit below freezing this morning but probably just in the 20s.

Is there a chance I will grow out my speech issues?

There are some words I can't say. Like register it comes out completely different. I have a fear of saying words I can't say. I even go great lengths of using a completely different way of saying it. Sometimes when I talk I mumble I try not to but I always do. (I don't drink at all). Lots of people ask me i've been drinking but I don't. It's so embarrasing. There was this situation I was in that actually made me want to cry, I was talking to the lady at my school and needed to pick up the register and I tried aslkking for it but i couldnt say it. It took ages and the lady had to get someone else to help understand what I wanted. I could actually feel myself go red and tears come to my eyes. When it was over I had to hide incase I cried. When I talk the words in the sentences come out really muddled up. Will I grow out of it?? Im15 ive had this problem since i was like 8.

Fun and Fun only - Do you want to see a man with ''no bad habits''?

very nice ! . particularly that last punch very nice , ya its sad that good people suffers lot in the life than bad people .

Silicone Breast implants before 22?Deformities?

Agreed with the above poster. Be happy with what you have. No real guy would care about what you look like or the size of your breasts. It's up to you though on what you want to do...

Can Filipinos audition for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment (etc Korean labels)?

i am thinking about auditioning for SM/JYP/YG Entertainment. i am filipino and have some chinese in me. a lot of people think i am korean. haha but i am kind of dark.. like a yellowish tan colour. so do you know if they accept filipino people because i have never seen one get accepted into these labels.

When will the West elect leaders who are prepared to rethink the current muddled policies in the Middle East?

The only way to elect leaders that represent the populous, would be to remove the bankers that pull the strings behind the scenes. Barack Obama's election campaign was funded by wall street bankers. Most of his cabinet are wall street bankers. America only serves the needs of wall street. The british government also only serve the needs of the city of london. The people are nothing but cattle to these criminals. So the only way to have justice and freedom to we, the people is to go back to basics and remove ourselves from the control of these wicked politicians is to set up our own governments. Start at a local level, rally people together and educate them to the fact that these bankers only want the people to be enslaved by them.

Which of the following Bible stories are metaphors & which are literally true & how do you tell the difference?

None of them are true. It's easy to tell a blatant lie when it is 180 degrees from observed reality. Not one of those (ridiculous) claims has ever been documented. Basically one shouldn't expect to find much truth in an obvious fairy tale.

Question about Orthodox Sacraments?

I'm writing a paper comparing and contrasting orthodox sacraments to catholic sacraments. in catholicism they group the sacraments into three categories...initiation- baptism eucharist confirmation....healing- penance and anointing of the sick.....and service of communion- holy orders and matrimony. Do they categorize the orthodox sacraments in any way? thanks

Does this sound like a good birthday list for my boyfriend?

if you have pics of you and him you should put it together in a scrap book or if he likes video games then you should buy him some hope i helped :) at least it is what i got my boyfriend and he loved it so much :)

Where can i buy cheap white dresses?

it's perfect!!!! that dress is very pretty. It would look great for a 1st communion or even a formal party. Don't worry. That dress is great!!!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Guitar Question here! please help!?

hey guys, i've recently been clearing out a lot of stuff and found an old guitar. The make is Kimbara and its an acoustic/electric guitar. the label in the hole in the middle says " specially made for FCN-ENGLAND, model no. 3/J made in korea" which after some research indicates that it was made in the late 1980's. I just want an indication of how much this thing is worth, as i cant seem to find another like it :)

Missouri Synod question about communion?

I have friends who belong to the Missouri Synod 'church?' and while they were visiting they said they weren't allowed to share communion with me at my church. Why would that be?

Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?

You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?

How are religious colleges different than non-religious ones?

I mean besides the fact about being religious. I'm talking about the feel, education, etc. Everytime I see a school is a Catholic or Christian school or etc. generally I've turned my head and sighed and kept on looking for a different one. I'm not really a religious person. I have nothing against it, my family is religious, I had my first communion but ever since I could think for myself I've considered myself a bit agnostic. I just want to know what it's like at a religious school. Is the school experience there all that different from a school that's not affiliated with any church? I'm trying to find a college for me to transfer to since I just graduated high school and am not looking forward to be preached to every day. Serious answers only please. Sorry if my question sounds ignorant, I just really need an answer because I have no idea what it's like.

What is the "First Communion" and what is the significance?

It's when a person has been acknowledged as a full member of a church, and takes part in the sacrament of Holy Communion for the first time. Each denomination is different, I believe most people have to take a class learning about the church's doctrines and pass a test. The Lutheran church I was forced to attend as a child allowed it for kids when they were 13, I think Catholics do it younger.

How much would a superdry label sell for?

Im trying to earn a bit of money. I have a couple of superdry labels (orange and black label sportswear) surely someone obsessive would buy these. So how much could I put a price on one to see if I mite sell. Its unlikely but worth a try

Church queston...please help?

Ok so I am 15 going on 16 and I been trying to find a good church,I've mostly been going to christain churches and this last one was catholic and I want to stick with it....but I can give confession,or take the cracker(bread thingy) ...cause I haven't done my first communion,or been confirmed cause I haven't found a church I been going to consistently yet...but I want this can I do this first communion...I haven't been baptized either....only taking the promise thing when they make a cross with oil and I fall back....please help

Is faith more important than religion?

I was having an argument with my friend between faith and religion. I told her that i do not worship god but i love him. I kind of prefer to have a father-son relationship or shepherd-sheep relationship. I also do not read or use the bible because they are guidelines. I kind of take the Angelou road with "You do not have to think about the right thing to do it. You just do it." She got a bit upset and said that i should follow the bible and that Jesus is gods son. She was starting to get red in the face and i changed the subject because I do not like to mess with peoples religion, but then i started thinking if my faith or my beliefs are a bit blasphemous. Can someone give me their thoughts because now im a bit muddled. Also if you do not want to answer the question and just comment about my ordeal please do, i just had to put something for a question.

Converting to Judaism?

I am a former Roman Catholic. Actually I was raised in the religion but never felt apart of it. I experimented with other religions such as Buddhism, Gnostic Christianity etc, then finally settled on my own eclectic spirituality. One thing that I came to realize is that everything is a "concept" or "state of mind." It seems as though you are interested in Orthodox Judaism a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a & not Reform Judaism a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a Liberal Jews will tell you that you could consider yourself Jewish or somewhat affiliated with Judaism. As of right now you could even consider yourself spiritual with a foundation in Judaism. NO ONE can argue against that as there is no specific definition of spiritual. People who are spiritual have different beliefs & hold onto different concepts because it is personal (not religious). Just like there are people who consider themselves JuBu's (Jewish-Buddhist mix), no one can say they can't be that. Or just simply tell people that you are Jewish in your heart, just not on paper yet (until you officially join a temple). This sounds like a passion of yours to do this, so don't let anyone tell you you can't. This is YOUR personal relationship (spirituality or religion) with God. They have their own to maintain.

Which name: Mae or Francesca?

Well Francesca makes me think of Francesca Battistelli who just happens to be my favorite female artist, but Mae is also very unique sounding with the spelling. i honestly think Francesca Amie is a better name. it has a lovely flow to it and is absolutely beautiful! Good luck!

What would you do during communion if...?

the priest actually brought out a tray with bite sized chunks of bloody raw meat and a glass of real blood. You do understand that the miracle of communion is that the wafer and wine actually change into these things in your body. What if you just forgo the miracle and eat the meat and blood as it is. Why all the ceremony and magic. Cannibalism is cannibalism after all.

Opinions on my extract please?

This is not a bad piece of writing. It flows well, the dialogue is fine and it has a readable style. One or two of your sentences seemed too short to me and could easily have been joined to the next sentence e.g. "It was late. Very late." and you finish one sentence with the word right as though you were expecting an answer and it doesn't work here at all. Try something like "I reasoned that if I stayed up and confronted him he would have to tell me so decided to give it a try." Apart from that keep writing it because it does work and it is readable. Good luck with your story.

Do brides wear communion veils for their wedding. I bought one at Hobby Lobby but not sure if the looks ok.?

The veil is two tiered with the longest length 20". It hits at my bra in the back. It was in the bridal dept and shows a bride wearing it on the package. I wasn't sure if it will look ok for my wedding. I am really not into veils so I wanted something very inexpensive. Got this one for 50% off of $9.99.

What to get my special guy for his birthday?

Okay, this guy Steve and I are NOT dating but we have this "thing" going on, And it's very serious so basically dating without the label. It's early in our so called "relationship" And his birthday is coming up soon but I don't want something that says I love you but something more along the lines of I like you ALOT. By the way Im 17 and he's 17 turning 18.....Any ideas?

Where can i get good free RPGS?

Get a ps3 and play ff, Internet rpgs are seriously overrated...cept for runescape, that shts pretty cool -.-'

Will i go to heaven if im catholic?

I did my baptism, reconciliation, holy communion and confirmation. Marriage will be later on. I am catholic i love god and jesus with all my heart, i pray everyday, i do commit sins but i try not to commit them. Will i still go to heaven? and please serious answers only.

What happens if you don't recive communion?

My family and i are Roman Christian, and when i was in the 2nd grade i did not receive communion, what does this mean. Can i go to hell for this??

Why are liberals now saying it is good to raise taxes by labeling tax cuts as "Bush tax cuts"?

All I know is I pay more taxes under the Obama regime than I did under Bush...the liberals in Washington assume the rest of us in the US are too stupid to notice when they go back on promises and generally screw the Hell out of the working guy/girl...they suffer from a delusional perceived superiority other words THEY are brilliant and can do as they please, the rest of us are retarded and don't UNDERSTAND their brilliance!

So my friends dad just left her and her family?

Okay so my friend's dad just left her and her family becuz she was laughing too much and woke him up. he was lying on the couch drunk. my friend and her mom tried to convince him to stay but my friend's sister didn't do anything since she hated him. today it was my friend's first communion and the dad left the church to get wasted. so now he just left her and her family with a pack of beers. what should i say to comfort her?

Tidy Cats Litter for multiple cats for one kitten?

OMG NO ITS NOT SAFE TO USE. the litter is self aware and as soon as it realizes multiple cats aren't using it, it will probably kidnap your cat and then cut you in your sleep.

I am going to visit a Catholic Church. What is a communion and what is this rosary the pray to?

Just sit in the back, remain silent, and watch and listen. Do not go forward to receive the sacrament (communion). When the service is over, the priest will greet attendees as they leave - if you wish more answers than you'll get just by visiting, ask him if you can stop by later and talk directly to him. They get questions from the curious all the time, and he'll make the time to talk to you.

I need some help, or advice, either is good.?

Well, I don't think you should. Seeing of course you are attracted to her maybe shows you like people with her personality. You know, it may take some time, but to tell you the truth I would try and get over her. You know she isn't going to divorce her husband and stuff for someone that's still in school.

What's the best website for translating?

I want to translate but not google translator or that, one that is really good, because when i write stuff and it goes into another lanuage i swap it around to see if it is what i said and it's all muddled up even though i have my spelling and that all correct.

Who else is getting sick of Neanderthal Gender Roles?

I love when people use the phrases "Act like a woman" or "Act like a man", or my personal favorite "I won't date a "girly" guy because I'm gay. I date men, If I wanted to date a woman I'd be straight". How about stop holding up these Neanderthal Gender Roles and realize it's how some people are. Hell, some straight guys are like that. Shocking everyone automatically labels Them as gay. Or they get harassed for not being a sports lovin, Gun shootin, beer drinkin. Moron.

Should i be lutheran or presbyterian?

which one and why and can you tell me the differences like communion and confession and stuff like that

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

I want to get my first communion and confirmation, but I'm 16...?

Se always been a Catholic, but my mom was diagnosed with MS(Multiple Sclerosis) when I was around the age to get my first communion. I really want to get my first communion because it would mean a lot to myself and I want to get married in a church when I am older. Is there any way I can get my first communion and confirmation without having to be in little kid classes? Can anyone tell me exactly how I can get this done? Anything would help!

Gay, bi, and lesbian people, tell me why do some of you base your entire identity on your sexual orientation?

One thing that confuses me is how people base thier entire identity on their sexual orientation. I am a bisexual transguy, mostly gay though but this is not my entire identity. I am bisexual/gay, but I am also an animal lover, I love music (metalica, evanescence, avril, katy perry, linkin park list goes on and on), I have a killer sense of humor, I love watching people get pranked, I like plants, I hate bullying, I hate vegtables (except corn and potatoes) and so many other little things about me. I am so much more than just these labels people try to pin on me and myself. Again I hope I do not offend anyone but why base your whole identity off of your sexual orientation? GLB people out their, do any of you agree with this? Tell me who are you besides Gay lesbian or bi?

I would like to learn about politics?

Politics is the art of persuading the masses through half truths. If you really want to understand democracy learn statesmanship. That is the quiet but constant accumulation of real truth from both sides of an issue and coming to a balanced conclusion. There are many statesmen in democracy. They are just not the headline grabbers. They say very logical things and almost always what they say and do is not controversial or interesting. Thus you would not sell much news by reporting their activities.

Non-Catholic Christians, What teachings of the Catholic Church don't you accept?

I don't accept any of it. In fact I don't accept any body's teaching outside of what God teaches in his inspired word. I don't accept any teachings outside of my religion.

I an protestant and was wondering if I could take communion at a chatholic church.?

Nope!!! Only a member of the Roman Catholic Church is permitted to take communion in a Roman Catholic Church.

Why are the American Catholic Bishops so selective in their outrage?

Because the catholic church is nothing more than a political entity, its goal to return to world domination, as they were at the time of Constantine inventing the whole christian thing

When you take the communion what part of Jesus body do you think you are eating?

Jesus at the last supper gave bread to his disciples saying it this, this is my body. So what part of his body do you imagine you are eating? Would it be muscle like a prime meat cut, an internal organ or maybe a poor cut of meat such as a tongue, intestines or gristle? Just want to know if anybody thought of it in those terms.

Who was in the wrong in my Safeway Courtesy Clerk firing?

I worked for safeway they suck. But you should have said to supervisor or manager that you were off in 4 mins. If you clean the spill that will put you in overtime which they are obligated to pay. That way its the managements decision. To leave a job only partially done for the next clerk was pushing your luck. Reason 1 i totally agree with as i caught hell for the same thing. No one can hear announcements when in the parking lot collecting carts! Did you explain your situation to the manager?

Why hasn't my mail gotten to the post office yet?

I sold something on ebay, so I printed off my own shipping label as I always do and dropped it off at one of the blue drop off boxes yesterday at 2:30pm. Shouldn't the post office have picked it up by now? It says nothing under tracking except for "electronic shipping info received" ... but shouldn't they have gotten it to the post office by this time?

Do you believe in signs? I am freaked out by this?

I graduated college five years ago. I had a close friend during it, who was mutual friend of me and my gf. but after I broke upbw my gf the attraction btwn me and my friend grew to point we made out a cpl times. Then the next fall she said 'I've never done that w anyone who was just a friend' I assume she meant prior to me? Then i told her that she was the person I wanted to be with, and she said 'not right now' but soon stopped talking to me. I asked her why this was a yr after. She wouldn't tell me but then posted something on her status about how she loved someone whose situation made her run away. We then went four years without talking. Saturday morning I woke up from a dream about her and felt like consumed by missing her. Then I go online and she messages me out of the blue. i told her in the conversation about the dream and she asked what happened in it bc she is good at analyzing dreams. i told her, and she said it meant to leave my comfort zone. she also asked what label i would give her if I was, and i said she was a good friend i was attracted to you and that i missed her. Is this a sign? Do you think she still is interested? How can I find out?

Do have a good diet plan ?

I take whey protein shakes 2 times a day after each workout I blend it and put half a banana in it. I do this 2 times a day and in between I'll have a grilled cheese sandwich. I read each label on all the foods and rounded the calories to about 600 calories plus I might have a very small dinner so that adds up too about 700 this good or should I add something to my diet??

Liquid plumber with bleach down the toilet?

Before you tell me. I already know the label says don't do it. Well I didn't. But a friend of mine went ahead and did it anyway. Are our pipes in any danger? It did fix the toilet but will there be any extra damage?

Any ideas for my Art Final Piece- Fantasy art? A Level. And Fantasy Art sketchbook ideas?

Hi all, Ive done a unit on Fantasy art and my desired outcome I have chosen are faeries. Does anyone know what Final Piece I could do based on fantasy art faeries? I am aiming to get an A overall but my mind is so muddled! Any cool ideas would be very appreciated....Also I need more pages in my sketch book filled in based on Fantasy Art overall....any ideas would be greatly appreciated!!!

Would God be angry if an Asian church served fortune cookies instead of wafers during communion?

Well no offense to anyone, but you couldn't really blame them if they did, i mean they can't really see all that well.

Do you think I'll be able to claim benefits (temporarily)....I'm in a muddle In UK?

If your partner is earning and you live with him he is expected to pay for you. Unless he earns very little and it is quite a while until you start your new job its not worth all the hassle of trying to get benefits!

Can a Catholic person receive communion at a Presbyterian Church service?

A nun friend of mine said that there are special times when a Catholic could take the Holy Communion of another Church. Is it possible?

This questions long, but can someone please help? I'd really appreciate it.?

This guy obviously wants you. He wouldn't tell his friends if he wasn't thinking that. You will have to be careful here though because i his gf get wind of this i would suspect she will NOT be happy. I suggest cornering him and confronting him. Either he picks his gf and stops messing with you or dumps his gf and goes out with you. Good Luck x

I'm paranoid about what he does without me?

if i were you i would be honest with him or leave him....he obviously doesnt know what commitment means! he's just using his recent breakup as an excuse to keep you around...its not okay for him to throw parties without inviting you because he should have nothing to hide from you...if he seriously cares about you then he will want the relatioship to work... but if he doesnt want you to be his girlfriend then your just wasting time..good luck

How much would an entertainment lawyer cost if I wanted to get some backup before I signed a label?

I'm a steadily growing musician that really wants to sign with a record label, but I don't know if I should grab an Entertainment Attorney first. Are they expensive? And if not, around what time should I get one in my musical career? Thanks!!

How to get a job at dream works?

i want to know how much school i would half to go for to get a job there and what i want to do is build 3d muddles. and how much they pay and stuff

Can guys play "HARD TO GET" too?

My take on this situation elizabeth, is your boyfriend doesn't want to deal with long distance. And what he is did was talked to you for a full week.. every day.. to get you used to him being in your life, then you pulled a fast one and started ignoring you. That is bascially how boys play hard to get lol... what you need to do, if its in your best interest, to just talk to him bout the situation here, and find a better alternative to him trying to guilt you back into a relationship, but if you really have somethign wit this guy keep it lol, i just broke up with my girlfriend and i've regretted it every day for the past 2 weeks. Grief isn't fun so stick wit him haha i hope this helped yu out a lil(:

Lady snapped at me in church?

Next time you see her tell her to chill and smoke some weed before coming to church so she won't be all snappy. She was probably in a bad mood already and was taking things personally that had nothing to do with her so don't worry about her.

Does being "enlightened" negate faith as a tool I need to use to get there....?

Enlightenment is the first step to realize something as information to recognize the reality of some truth. It is a gift given to shed some light and faith is the reception that receive it to take it from there. It is a seed that was planted and need to be nurture by our faith to make it grow higher into purity. Sincerity will be repeatedly tested.

Are priests allowed to choose whether they want to bless non-Catholics or not?

Granted, he was a priest "as old as the hills." People were at the Mass that were not Catholic and came forward with their arms crossed across their chest in an "X." The priest is supposed to bless the person since they obviously are not allowed to receive Communion. This priest, just stared at them, until they walked away. Either he doesn't believe in blessing other denominations, or he was too old to understand what to do. What do YOU think?

Jehovah's Witnesses, the 144,000 of the Witnesses that are Born again, take communion and go to Heaven, My?

that is what they think but MILLions are born again. Some think that amt is the jews who will get saved.

Why is it ok for males to cheat bit when a female do it she becomes a label of a h**?

Because it's expected of men, whereas women are supposed to be more mature and of a little higher class.

Is it OK to bow down and worship the communion bread?

As I understand it some Christians believe the communion bread is literally the body of Christ. So if instead of eating it they take it home, place it on the mantelpiece and pray to and worship it, would this be seen as OK?

Solve differential equation?

dm/dt=-km(t), dm/m=-k(t)dt, integreting both sides logm=-kt+c if t=0,, m=mo log m/mo=-kt ,m=moe^-kt

What is the reason saints and politicians turn rich in days?

The saints become rich because of offerings aqnd the politicians turn rich because of scams, scandals, muddles, corruption and dalali

Am i pregnant? Why cant i concieve?

u r too early in ur cycle to be ovulating yet, but then again mother nature does as she pleases. i knw its easier said than done, but try to relax and it will happy whn its time. blessings

Attacking penguins? Car appointing ghosts? Dream interpretation.?

I first need to ask an important question. Why were you not swimming and snuggling with the penguin? The trident was a fork and you probably stole the car when you were all ''blurry''. And I have another question. Where did you see that third eye, and was it brown? And who did the statue stare at? Unfortunately I can't explain the part about the gothic owl, but I'll guess you were high or something. I hope my answers (and questions) explained most of the story! :)

Is it finally the end for my husband and I after 2nd time cheating?

Duh, leave him. People don't change, they just get better at hiding who they are and what they're doing. If he loved you he wouldn't cheat, he's behaving like a bachelor which means you hardly exist to him, get out while you can, you'll regret it everyday if you don't. Get on or eharmony and find a REAL man.

What should I do? I'm losing my sanity.?

I have a 3.477 GPA at the moment in high school, never had a girl friend, my parents are heading toward a financial crisis. Basically I feel useless, hopeless, not able to help my parents. I have plenty of friends, but I'm starting to question if most of them even see the true me. Being a sophomore, two more years of this seems unbearable. I plan on following a military career, which would be sweet relief. But, at the moment, I read stories, and I start to weave reality with fantasy. I can barely grasp what is currently going on. My mind is muddled, my thoughts are falling apart. It's hard to focus just typing this rant. What should I do?

Christians do you want to help the world or get to heaven?

Go to heaven .And serve the Lord ,motivated by His love and what He has done for me on the cross,while I'm still around in this world.Hope this helps.

Why do people from all genearations look for God?

To some extent, our brains are hard-wired to believe in supernatural things when we are confused about something. It's sort of a vestigial thought process that is carried over from a time long ago when we were hunter-gatherers and that sort of thinking bonded people into groups who, because of strength in numbers, were more likely to survive to reproduce. This vestigial process, like our appendix, is not needed anymore.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Did USPS lose my package? or was it possibly stolen from my mailbox?

So 2 days ago (June 27th 2011) I sold an item on Ebay and I put it in my mailbox at around 1:00PM. The mail man usually arrives at my house at around 4:00PM. I have a tracking number and everything but when I check the tracking number, all it says is: Electronic Shipping Info Received, Jun-27-11, 00:00 AM. This basically just means that I printed the shipping label...Is it possible that my item was stolen from my mailbox? and if so, what should I do?

What breed is my chicken?

Overall I have 11 chickens. 3 babies(Americana), 6 teens (Red Comet), and 2 adults(Red Comet). One of the Red Comet Teens (Muddle) we think is a mix. She is actually brown and she has the design on her back like an Americana might have. She is orange in some spots but barely and has any. She has a white belly, and dark brown sports all on her back mostly on her wings and none on her head. Her tail is pretty much the only part that is orange but only part of it is orange the rest of it is brown and white. She is a very pretty chicken and she is really nice to me and follows me around all the time. Thanks if you know what breed she is or if she's a mix. =)

Could it be possible he might like me as more then a friend?

from experience i think ihe really does like u he just doesnt know how to express it to you in a way that would seem appproiate and seem right to him and plus hes probally afraid to admit hes feelings to you i know i would be,heck i use to be nervous around girls all the time and not talk to them and if i had to id make it breif and to the point so i didnt have to again. but i got over my shyness and have become very talkative and outgoing. and no i dont think ur over analyzing at all infact i think u might be under analyzing a little bit. yes he likes you and dont let him make u think other wise i am sre of it that he likes you. the only thing that i could think of hes doing is playing you to make him look cool around his freinds but i doubt it. so yes i really think from the way you have explained it that he really likes u he probally has crush on you too. if u find yourself need more adive or tips from the guy side feel free to contact me at just mntion something about this so i know wht its abt. goodluck :) hope it works out

Question for Catholics?

Nah, there's always that crazy old lady who thinks she's "holy-er" than the rest of the parishioners because she speaks loudly and sings along with every song. And then there's people like me who sit there quietly wishing to be anywhere else (preferably still asleep).

What does it mean for the long term future of our country that 50% of American voters think that corporate?

This "Health Care reform" will cause rationing of care and long lines to the doctor, if you can find one that is. Obamacare guarantees insurers can charge whatever they want and the consumer has no choice but to buy. See Romneycare for a look into the future of this bureacratic blunder. And the Consumer Protection Agency will just lead to more frivolous lawsuits that bottom feeding lawyers love. It's not the governments job to carry consumers by the hand because they're too stupid and lazy to educate themselves and read the fine print.

I need to know how to find q1 q2 and q3, when the info is in a table eg 10<t<25 frequency is 3 that sort?

sorry for the brief question< i need to know how to find q1 q2 and q3 for plotting graphs and box plots but i get muddled up with like when to use frequency density,mean and how to actually find q1 q2 and q3, can anyone just summaries to help me or give me some examples thanks *)

What does being "confirmed" mean? (catholic)?

So I got my first communion awhile ago (im 15) and haven't been to sunday school since. Now my mom says I have to go get confirmed but since she never was, the only explanation she can give is "it's when you get confirmed". Which obviously doesn't help much. So what does this mean and what things will I have to do to get confirmed? I'm catholic btw

Clinique Acne Solution?

Hey guys, i hope you're having a wonderful day(: I am 14 years old and im a female. I have comedone acne (meaning white heads and blakheads, the hardest type of acne to treat) On my t-zone and my chest and upper back. I've been to the dermotologist and nothing worked. Im ready to give up. Does the clinique acne solution system work? Please only answer if you know someone or you are someone who has the same type of acne as me and has used the products. (What should i look for on the labels of things to know if it will help clear comedones?) If you know any other lines that clear comedones let me know. Also what causes them? Thanks! (: ~Taylor~ <3

Can Roman Catholics be vegan?

because Catholics believe the bread and wine is the actual body and actual blood of Christ? So if you take communion then that would go against being vegan?

Any fellow Catholics have a few problems following the faith?

we all have doubts in our lives regarding our faith , but what is the end reward for us all if we pick and choose , for megan to say she is pro choice simply means she agrees with abortion , and no doubt she and others who play the so called cafeteria game will be made to answer in the end . as jesus said ,to follow me one has to walk the narrow road , if you stumble and fall then he is still there with outstretched arm, but you are the one who has to make that first move to take it . the choice is yours

All the mommys out there? Help me out, please.?

those are just some of the early symptoms of pregnancy you probaly are. sometimes pregnancy test dont come out positive that soon you should go get a blood test done thats more accurate in early pregnancy!! good luck baby dust to you!!

Which label thingy should i dress i not gonna act just sorta blend the style with mine?

Is really good to get shoes and bag as classy or whatever as you can afford, then you feel good in top gear even if you have days when your general glam is not as good as you wish.

Opinions on my extract please?

You've got potential here. I really like your vocabulary, and it flows well. The only critique I could give you is to make the dialogue sound a tad bit more natural. It's very good as it is, but some of it sounds a little too formal for a drunken/high person. I don't know how old they're supposed to be, but I get the impression that the older brother is around 17 and the younger brother is no older than 12; he seems sort of naive. If that was what you were going for, you did a good job.

Do you think usps lost my package?

If your package is lost, USPS will send you a notice within a couple of days saying that the status of your package is "lost in transit" but I think your package is simply still being processed.

Why does my gf friend says im a jelous freak thats over reacting?

No, no, no. You're floozie girlfriend is dead wrong for what she did. How dare she defend a dude on top of her. Your reaction was normal she's just disrespectful and her friends would back her up even if she slept with the guy so don't mind them. Move on. You don't need that.

What is 'Anglican' really mean?

It used to be called "The Church of England". King Henry VIII broke away from Catholicism and made his own self as the head of his Church.

What is said during the taking of the eucharist?

I attended a Catholic Church and when communion was called for, everyone went up and i seen the pastor say something then lay the body of Christ in there hand then they said something and took of the blood. My question is WHAT was said between the two? (Pastor and congregent )

After all my hard work, why am I not going anywhere?

Some advice - other people are busy (at least they think they are). Try to say as much in as litte words possible.

What does this labeling mean?

I have cheese powder that says kosher dairy on it. Do this refer to the enymes in the cheese, if so what kind of enymes?

Why are people so concerned with the word fake?

It seems like thats what girls are labeling eachother, and to be "real" they say whatever is on their mind even if it's rude. But honestly, how can you tell if someone is fake or not?

Is there a gluten free communion bread?

I've just found out I'm gluten intolerant and m y priest doesn't know of a gluten free communion bread substitute. Can I be a true Christian and not partake of communion or will the resultant stomach upsets be a cross God wants me to bear? No jokes about being allergic to God please, I have already heard them.


Maybe u should date someone, that'll help u open up be, be urself and also u would have a friend always by ur side

When i type on my laptop it jumps off where i'm typing and muddles all the letters up, help please?

-.- Make sure you aren't touching the touch pad on your laptop when you type. If you can turn it off and use an external mouse you should be fine.

Christians: if Big Bang is a lie...?

I find it Ironic that the biblical timeline, and the acceptence of the Big Bang happening, would place the big bang event to about 6,000 years ago, and shortly after man would pop up.

My girlfriend won't swallow. She always spits it out..?

But I think Holy Communion is very important. I don't know why she refuses to take it. What should I do?

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city?

Has anyone re-located to Phoenix from another city? How was/is your experience? I currently live in Chicago (born & raised) and am thinking of relocating. I live in the inner city and am used to lots of noise, plenty people, and a vast of activities and places to see at all times/hours of the day. I know I can't expect Phoenix to be as fast paced as it is here in Chicago and my options of entertainment might be limited but that's fine as I'm looking for something more low-key for my family (I have two young children). How are the people? Are they friendly? We (here) have heard so many stories about Arizona government and officials, I know some must be exaggerations..are people racist toward latinos? Excuse me for being offensive but I don't want my family to be judged upon either (well, beyond the normal amount). How are the jobs? Schools? Restaurants (we are self labeled "foodies")? How is the crime? Please remember that while we live in one of the most notorious neighborhoods in Chicago we still feel safe and take comfort in knowing our community. Any word of advice will be greatly appreciated. (Yes, I know..beware the heat lol! For a girl that hates the winter I'll take 100 degrees any try shoveling 20 inches of snow..ugh, never again!!!)

Does anyone else there was a stricter age limit for this website?

I would agree with you but disagree with one part. If you actually took the time to read the TOS of (which I doubt you did and just proceeded to the bottom of the page and clicked I agree) You would see that there is no official age limit. It is recommended that they be over 12 years of age yet however with parental consent they may post. If they have parent approval its ok. But I am tired of know-it-all children who say things like "I have law experience" because they did a debate with their mother and they won. It is stupid and ridiculous but according to the TOS they are fine and in good legal condition. Now what they post is what could get them in trouble. Slander or Drug Reference and but does not limit to impersonation could get them in trouble and suspended.

Psychology Exam.... :/?

I suggest yo urelax and forget about it. There is nothing you can do until the grade comes back, so why spend time and effort stressing? Save your energy for things you can change, like any other finals that may be coming up.

How to align two parallel wheels?

Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.

What is the difference between Baptists, Catholics & Christians?

I think both Baptists and Catholics consider themselves "Christians". The difference between Catholics and Baptists is Catholics believe you have to confess your sins to a priest, and do however many Hail-Marys, while Baptists believe you confess straight to God, and He simply forgives you. I'm pretty sure Baptists also participate in communion, but it's different--they don't usually drink wine, instead they drink grape juice, and Baptists don't believe you're actually eating Christ's flesh--it's just symbolic. Baptist services last more than 10 minutes, and happen more than once a week. Catholics have additional books in their Bible, that Baptists don't have. Many Baptists think Catholics are idol worshipers, because they have "Saint so-and-so"

Guy problem please help?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

I know about my surprise party! What should I do?

Don't tell them. Just be friendly with them and spend lots of time with them. Whatever you do, don't make them feel like they've wasted their time and accidentally let you know. Be surprised and thankful and be together to say goodbye to them and your school.

Is highschool better than middle school?

Hey, I'm going to graduate middle school, and so I'll be of to high school next year. I think muddle school is ehhh. I was just wondering, what was the difference between high school and middle school for you or someone you know? Thanks :)

Does anyone else never know what they want to do and are just generally lost?

Ever since leaving school(which was a major shock) i've just drifted through life never knowing what i should do and always looking at other people wanting to be their lives. I get in such a muddle i just end up not being able to work at anything. I look am pretty sure all my old school mates will be working away and getting on with their lives but years on i'm still just drifting away. I just don't see the point in anything. I can't understand how others have all found a path and i haven't . Bizarre.

Are the democrats supporting Obama's reelection underestimating Bachmann?

They label her as "crazy" and "moronic" but she so far has beaten many expectations. She's been elected 3 times in a very liberal state (one of the only two who didn't reelect Reagan) and she slams Obama everywhere she goes. In 2010, a tea partiers were polled and most said that Bachmann was the leader of the Tea Party, not Palin. Speaker Boehner trusts her enough to be on the Intelligence Committee. Even Chris Matthews says she's a threat. Yet, liberals just laugh and think Obama will stomp her. Are they making a mistake.

Thoughts on Steven Wilson's side projects ?

I also have all of Porcupine Tree including Tarquin's Seaweed Farm. I've heard a few of S Wilson's side projects (Altamont, Blackfield and solo) and for the most part I don't think they're as up to snuff as PT though I do like Blackfield's first (II was Ok, Welcome To My DNA is just so-so) and I really like Steven Wilson's latest solo Insurgentes, I think it's every bit as good as the best Porcupine Tree albums.

How do I install n Advanced Format Drive on my pc?

First of all, if yours is a reasonably new motherboard you don't have to worry about jumpers. But your 'old' Dell needs to have SATA ports. If not you have bought the wrong one & need to exchange it for an IDE drive.Partitions are areas you can divide the hard disc up into during Windows installation if you so wish. Not compulsory. Software you will need are the Motherboard drivers. You might have to try & download that from Dell. If your Dell has a dedicated video card you will need the drivers for that as well. You will need to get all of those drivers before you start. And you will need a genuine copy of Windows XP. If you have everything you need start your installation with the Windows OS disc. You will be prompted at the correct time to use the others.

I was baptized at one church, but recieved confirmation and communion at another church. Which is my parish?

In one sense, your parish has geographic boundaries, and your parish is the one whose boundaries you live within. However, in practice, your parish is the one you choose to currently participate in. It could be either of these two, or neither of them, depending on circumstances. Obviously if you moved to a distant state, your parish would be neither of these. However, you might choose a parish other than one of these even though you still live nearby.

How to cover up pores, acne, and acne marks?

I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely.I've tried benefit porefessional but that didn't do anything. plus the label says "minimzes" so that probably means hides just a little, when i want it covered completely. now i don't want to wear a lot of makeup but maybe 3-4 products would be okay. for the acne it never completely gets 100% invisible but some of the girls from my school do get it that way i want to know how.

In your opinion do you believe this is wrong of my friend?

A really good friend who I consider my best friend offended me but I dont know if its wrong of me or not. My 9 year old son just made his First Holy Communion last week. (for those who dont know its a milestone in the catholic religion.) Everyone was really nice and gave him cards with a little bit of money. My friend lives out of state but still sent him a card. However she did not send him any money. This really hurt my feelings because just 2 months ago I helped with her baby shower (that she came here for) I purchased her cake plus gave her gifts. Just a few days ago I shipped a large box with more things for here baby. Not to mention I sent her gifts when she first found out she was pregnant. I never expect anything in return but my son is 9 and its a bit disappointing for him to receive an empty card. Her and her husband both have lots more money than my family and they couldn't reach in their pocket and a least give him 5 dollars. So I am a bit hurt by this, is it wrong?

I think i might be bisexual o_O?

Well you could be. If you keep having these thoughts and feelings than yea, you might be bi. But at the same time you could just be curious right now and that is normal for girls. Plus you might sub-consciously think these thoughts because you know guys are turned on by that? Idk, that is just a guess. Anyway, just keep it cool and as time goes by, see how you feel. Whatever happens, happens.

I don't remember clearly about what happened earlier? Wouldn't they steal more if it did happen?

Okay so in my house our Sky + is missing, the card. My sister, her boyfriend, my dad and I have been the only ones in the house and we're unsure on how it could have happened and my mother has been pestering me "did you leave the door open? Are you sure you didn't?" And I kept saying no, I have not left the doors open (I was in the house first after my mother left for work, my sister stayed at her boyfriend's) And I got quite frustrated but now I'm worried, I remember opening the door and offering my cat to go outside but he refused, I don't quite recall closing the door properly, I think I walked past it with it open but not fully, like pushed up against the hinges but not closed properly and I don't remember if this was today or another day, my mind is muddled and now I'm worried that it was today that happened and someone came in the house when I was in my room listening to music but, wouldn't the people steal more than just a Sky + card? Or just leave as soon as they heard my music playing knowing someone was inside? I mean I remember making a sausage sandwich and watching TV for a while then turning the entire thing off, Sky and TV and walking past the door but if I remember right I think I thought "I won't close the door Steph is coming home" or something like that but I honestly can't remember but I think that happened, what should I do? My brother and his girlfriend had a funny encounter too, someone left two flowers on their table when they were out and they don't know who? Any sort of help would be muchly appreciated.

Is there any possible way that I can do my confirmation within 2 months or less?

I was raised in an extremely traditional Catholic home. I was baptized and did my communion before I was 9. I was an Alter girl until I was 13 and in the church choir until I was 17. I participated in many of the groups at church. I also went to people's homes in need of prayer to pray for them and do rosaries. I have always been religious but when I entered college and started working I limited my visits to church to only on Sundays. Point is, is that I have always been very relgious and involved but I have never done my confirmation for some strange reason. My best friend who I have been her friend for over 10 years already wants me to be the godmother but the godmother must be confirmed. The baptism is in 2 months and I need to be confirmed according to the church. Is there anyway I can get confirmed online? Does anyone know any websites? Or does anyone know anything else I can do about it? I would really appreciate it. FYI, I am 23 years old now so I would be needing adult confirmation classes. Thank you!!!!!


is it possible to have your church ceremony even though you have not done your communion or confirmation? my parents say i can't but i want to know if some churches do that. and if so what are they called?

I am waiting for this package what is going on?

hi dear, you can get the detail information on http// really relevant information you should visit there.

My heart shakes can any one tell me why.?

my heart shakes mow and then why.i have had some sort of stroke last year but they could not find any damage . but my memory was a bit muddled up. i take pills to stop stablese my heart .. any thing to worrie about. bob

Scary Arena-Spooking?

take her in on a leadrope without being on her back and walk her around, jog her a little bit on the rail and everywhere she spooks let her look at what it is that scared her. then start by having some people on the rail making intentional noises and moving around. once shes calm enough on the ground try riding her through the action

Benefits of Catholic Elementary School?

Catholic Schools tend to excel over all other schools in academics and extracurriculars. The balance of faith and knowledge is key. Over the course of history the Catholic Church developed the academic method, science, philosophy, arts, etc.... This reflects today. The Catholic approach to a well rounded life encourages good extracurriculars. The compassion of teachers who dedicate their lives to service as they see teaching as a vocation, not a job, makes a difference. Children are not as bad to one another as in the public schools as Catholic ones teach the difference between right and wrong. Do any googling on it, and you will see it is true. It is a blessing to go to a Catholic school.

Atheists and secularists do you buy religiously slaughtered meat? And why it's not labelled? ?

In most of the part of the world it's not labelled hence you cannot identify. So have you written to your mp or any state authorities regarding labelling of meat?

Should I drink from the cup or not?

So I'm a Christian and following the teaching of Jesus Christ. I also dabble in Mosaic Law and the teachings and stories of the prophets and the Old Testament from time to time. So, I have this little dilemma. I belong to the Catholic Church and at communion they offer both bread and wine. I always go for the bread but I cautious about partaking in the wine. The reason is that there could be 100 to 300 parishioners in the church on any given Sunday with , I'm guessing, 20 to 30 percent drinking from the same cup which the individual serving wipes in between each parishioner. I feel this may not be very healthy (germ wise) so I skip the wine. The thing is I really want to partake but my thinking is stopping me. So what do you think? Am I at risk of catching some deadly communicable disease by drinking from the same cup as others or am I just worrying excessively?

Film Theory Question?

It will be interesting to see if I get points just because I am the only one that answered. I thought the Nazi propaganda films were interesting as a medium to project ones ideology.

Do you have to be Baptized to be saved? Do you need to partake of Sacraments? Or will faith alone save you?

Salvation through faith alone... good works, sacraments, etc is all man made religious doctrine.. Faith alone is all that is needed.

What needs to be done for First Holy Communion?

you shld put catholic on top if that is all you want...FOR METHODIST ANYONE WHO believes can partake..

What's up with labels?

I have a boyfriend and I love him to death but sometimes I am physically attracted to the same sex. I don't get attracted to women my age, I am always attracted to older women. I love having sex with my boyfriend, we have sparks, but I can honeslty say I have fantasized about other women. Does tht make me a bi sexual or lesbian cause I believe people shouldn't look at what's between their legs its what's in their heart.

Im worried how my sister will cope in a grammar school?

I am hoping that your parents and the school administrators are also interested in her success at school. Just be a good big sis and pitch in when you are asked. Good luck to you both!

What is this exactly?

It's most likely a mild panic attack brought on by claustrophobia. You should practice some relaxing breathing techniques. It helped me a lot.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Hungarian stereotypes?

I come from a large Hungarian American family. My parents don't ever really talk about the way people label us and how we are seen. Can someone please tell me the way we are seen from plan outsider's view?

How to align two parallel wheels?

Not quite sure in which category it belongs. I want to built a kind a large tricycle. I can weld and I want to build it out of existing bike parts. I've got most of it together, but I am a bit stuck how to make sure the two back wheels which should be parallel are indeed so. Each wheel is in a fork and I want to weld the forks on each end of a bar which will be parallel to the floor. I think I will have to build a wooden jig. I'll probably be able to muddle through, but if somebody knows of a good way to do this I'd be very interested to know.

Is it a coincidence that hell is if you think about it is the worst punishment imaginable?

I could easily tell someone that you can go to a place where all the greatest ice cream flavors possibly imaginable by the keenest human mind are. Dairy Queen!! It's called advertising. Even I can pull **** like that outta my ***! If you think someone is talking to you, you should really lay off the hard drugs.

If I went to church on Saturday is it still mandatory to go on Sunday?

On Saturday I went and took the oath during communion and now my mom is arguing with me that Sunday is the real event and it's a must or it's a sin. Do I still have to go to church sunday if I went Saturday?

Why are women labeled? Typical Question?

What defines a female as being a hoe or a *****? I feel like boys just put that on every female but don't you have to have sex with a lot of guys or do something to be labeled. Just asking.

Is she trying to find out if I still like her?

i told a girl i knew very well 5 yrs ago, we made out a few times but could never be together, and just recently started to talk to again that she was in my dream. she asked what it was abt and said she was good at analyzing dreams. then she asked me how i saw her, if i had to give her a label, wht label would i give her? was she trying to figure out how i saw her? she said this was all to interpret the dream.

How do i tell my mom?(Wiccan)?

I was born and raised a catholic got baptized,holy communion, the whole nine yards.I lived with my grandparents and my grandparents are the "If you don't go to mass on Sunday your going to hell" kind of people..Very religious..As i was growing up I was forced to put on a nice little dress and go to church every Sunday which i hated to do..and as i got older i would just not go..and i would get the whole scolding and the devil is watching you lecture but they would always just leave it and go to church anyways and i would get the silent treatment..but the next day everything would turn back to normal.. Then i moved with my dad in Colorado..(i lived in Texas before) and he is not religious at all.he is also a paramedic works 24 hr while he works i stay with his best friend..After staying with her for a few months i found out she is a witch(10+ years)..and explained to me what she believes in..and the way the Wiccan religion is..And why she doesn't tell people who her or her family are because people are afraid of what they don't understand.. After i did a bit of research i asked her if she would teach me the Wiccan ways and she agreed and said she would be happy to teach me:)But the thing is my mom is coming up to Colorado for a few days to see me and i don't want to change who i am and cover up mom should except me for who i am... christian or not..So how would be the best way to bring it up with my mom that i am not catholic anymore?

My girlfriend is thinking of leaving me?

I know this sounds a bit silly but when things like this happen to me I try to think that what ever happens it was kinda supposed to be that way. I know its hard to try to think like that when t it happening though so try to focus your graduation just now. If shes getting therapy it may help and hopefully everything wil go back to normal. I hope everything works out ok for you. You seem like a nice guy.

To the Atheists who were "Christian" before you became Atheist, what did you say to God when you left?

To answer that question logically, they probably wouldn't say anything as they don't believe, I find it interesting how they make fun of the FACT that they were never Christians to begin with thinking that is a Valid defense, Baloney, Even after years in Seminary and all that and even after 30 years I have heard of some who left the faith, This is Because They had religion, but never a salvation experience with Jesus, a Person can go to church all his or her life, and never be saved, They may truly be sincere about it, But they are sincerely wrong, They simply traded 1 religion for another the religion of atheism and yes it is a religion, just google 1st church of atheism and see how many hits you get, It is obvious it is religion because here they are in The Religion and Spirituality section proselytizing their religion, making lame excuse about Ohh we are just trying to educate you or Ohh we are just trying to enlighten you" Bull, a person who had any sense would realize that We Christians take their so-called education and ridiculous enlightenment and slap it back in their faces, but alas, they don't have that kind of sense, they are too blinded by their own brainwashing to see past anything but the fabrications they have made for themselves.

In an Anglican Church, what is the difference between Parish Communion and Holy Communion?

Anglican Church i've started attending has suddenly switched evensong (6.30) to holy communion. I've not been going regularly enough to the church to know what holy communion is. I've been to parish communion but not Holy, are they similar?

Silicone Breast implants before 22?Deformities?

Agreed with the above poster. Be happy with what you have. No real guy would care about what you look like or the size of your breasts. It's up to you though on what you want to do...

What could these symptoms mean?

Well, you may just have to go to an eye doctor and tell him/her your concerns. He will direct you on what the next step is to fix the problem. Sadly, that's the only best way to find out what's going on. Hope I helped some:)

Shy moms; How do u make it throughfinding a job and the interview process?

I get terrible anxiaty about it... but I gotta do it so muddle through somehow. Though I gotta say I have had 3 jobs and I was refurred by someone I knew. I've never been able to land a job completly on my own. So how do u do it??

How should I do my hair for my girlfriend's sweet 16?

I have no idea how to do my hair. I don't like to label myself but I'm a metalhead and I have really long hair. It's passed my nipples and almost to my ribs. I'm not going to cut it because I didn't spend 4 years for nothing so should I put it in a pony tail or should I leave it down? If you say a braid or corn rolls or whatever you are a dumb a$$ I want a serious answer. Btw Im obviously gonna be wearing a tux.

What sort of person am I?

I don't know my own personality and who i am, so i struggle to just be myself because i don't know who myself is? I believe in freedom and I strive to not be stressed in life by having free spirit if that makes sense. I don't believe in God (please don't start a religious debate) because i think religion is a way of dealing with the fear of death and confusion of the world. I think that life is crap and so is death but I'm not a goth or emo because i dont like that music or have an interest in death. I'm very philosophical about life. I don't think i belong to any labels so i would appreciate if someone could tell me how to understand myself and the person i am so i can live more freely. Thanks by the way i'm 15 and male.

D15 intake manifold the same as d16?

I'm looking to swap the head/block from a d16 onto my d15 everything else (intake, exhaust, tranny etc..) will everything match up just right and not have to muddle around with any awkward fitment?

Is facebook free on the 3 network?

im pretty sure they are in a way, just trying to get you to buy it again by making you want to continue on facebook, So in other words im pretty sure it costs so I wouldnt get on it.

Why do people from all generations look for God?

people just need answers to things they cant explain, they want a reason for life - not very open minded

Acting interviews?? terrible?

so when i go to acting interviews for work experience etc , i get quite nervous etc and sometimes when they ask why would you like to do work experience here and why do you want to act for your future career ? it all comes out in abit of a muddle , do any of you have any experiences to share or maybe give some tips and help on how to not get these auditions and interviews in such a muddle and be prepared thank youuuuuuu

What happened to amira in eastenders?

think back to when syed came out as gay on the square. Amira thinks she's pregnant so she and the oldest fox sister (can't remember her name). The sister gets the tests muddled up so Amira must be pregnant. She leaves the square without realising and.....does she abort the baby or do you think she will turn up with a baby? I loved her character and she was beautiful.

Question to non Catholic Christians about the Lord's Supper "Holy Communion". Can this be done at home?

there are layers of meaning in the teachings of YAHUSHUA. On one level of meaning, each time we eat we take energy the Almighty has supplied to further our physical life, and hopefully also our spiritual life. YAHUSHUA did not create 'churches' but sent taught ones out to teach and share life.

How do I not overreact to someone's religious and political beliefs?

By respecting their point of view maybe?...You see, Faith ( for every religion) comes from the heart, it cannot be proved right scientifically so, there's no way anyone can actually demonstrate that their own Faith is the right one. What overly religious people often do unfortunately is to arrogantly claim their Faith is the absolute Truth, and that makes them look down on people of different faiths, get aggressive towards them at times, or pity them as if they are fools. If everyone could just be more respectful of other people's perspetcives, the world would be such a better place...Personally, I don't care what a person believes in, to me what matters are the principles that person lives up to, the values he/she has; as long as someone has a good heart, listens to his/her own conscience, is selfless, compassionate, loyal and respectful, that person can have my whole heart for it doesn't matter where one gets his/her own principles from, what matters is he/she has them and lives up to them.

Behind a bar hangs a sign: "NO imitation intimation for intimidation!" What's? +...?

There are 7 signs total. The others have a similar message and have language labels aside them, yet they all are in plain English. Each has a key word (as in the 1st) and you can feel it out from there as to how the remainder might read. Find the keys and its fate as public is sealed. Can you? It won't be the end of the world if you don't, but it will be the end if you do, of ignorance of destructive aversion. I have 5, can't find 2.

Since His Holiness, Pope Benedict XVI is the Sovereign of the Vatican City state, why was he not in attendance?

As the event was not a state function (unlike the weddings of the Queen (when she was Princess Elizabeth) and Prince Charles, the reasons these were state events was because, at the time, they were heir-apparents, while William is second in line to the throne), not all state leaders were invited. European royalty was invited because, thanks to Queen Victoria's children marrying into practically all the royal families of Europe, they are related to the Queen and each other. Not all monarchs were invited, for example, the Malaysian monarch (who, like the Pope, is elected) was not invited.

Hey, does anyone have any advice or opinions?

yes this is actually very common, this whole exact thing happened to me you must just have more patience, i come from a different country as well, and trust me its important to not forget where u came from. However this is difficult because no one here is gona understand you. America is not like any other country, most people here just do as their told even if the current fashion is completely retarded, and something ur parents will never really understand cause in fact it makes no sense to someone with culture. What you must do is listen to ur heart and be who U want. I chosse to learn and be everything, so ive developed a social talent to be able to talk to and relate to not only Americans but any race and cultural backround, being that i am a mix of Mexican, Japanese, African, and Spaniard. Have patience be real and be yourself youll notice u have an advantage over everyone that is making your life impossible, most people don't think for themselves and just mimic, and are totally fake. If u cant socialize properly its because you use more of ur brain than average people, so u are above average, in conclusion Average people will be told what to do and mimic that action like a robot. your brother is not a genius, Real geniuses instead have to fully understand and believe what their being told is really true and makes sense in their head, yes they must accept it as the absolute truth and feel confident believing what they just learned. have patience. Ur more special than u think.

The difference between 'adopt' and 'foster'?

I always get muddled up between the meanings of these two words and I am currently writing a story where it mostly focuses on a lady deciding to take a young girl into her care for a few weeks, and I don't know if that is called adoption or fostering, so please help me and tell me which one I am using in my story. Thanks in advance!

HMV return policy help?

no not unless its damaged and they can spot accidental damage to deliberate before u get ideas of chopping one of the arms off

Atheists and Christians are you concerned and watch what meat you're buying?

Do you buy meat labelled halal or kosher? Any sane individual would call it barbaric and callous. It is claimed that on a scale of measuring pain it rates 84% compared to 13% of stunned meat. And it takes 16 minutes for the animal to die compared to 3 minutes in stunning. I wanna know your views. Btw here's more info -…

DS: I have read in books & on excellent websites: *Dogs attack what they fear*?

This is definitely not true for all, or even most, dogs. A well trained dog that has proper leadership isn't going to attack anyone. As the owner of 3 CGCs, I know that my dogs wouldn't even consider growling. Dog attacks are usually a defense of property. Dogs that feel they need to defend their property are the ones that are poorly trained, have no leadership, are underexercised, and undersocialized. Launi was NOT displaying fear. She was displaying territorial aggression. The temperament of the dog does not matter, it is a strong pack leader that matters. Aggression is either dominance, territorial, or fear (fearful dogs will try to get away from their fear BEFORE attacking it).

Atheist's involvement in church?

Ironically I went to a graduation today for my brother (also an atheist) and the kid who won the award for acting most like Jesus was an atheist. People are stupid, and atheist getting a spiritual award. I would be offended.

I don't want to but my Grandparents make me! Help?

Ok, so my grandparents are VERY religious and they keep on signing me up for vacation Bible Study, even though i'm too old and they want me to do First communion even though my parents said NO. Who has final say in this? My parents or my Grandparents? Do i get any say in any of this? They guilt me into going to church alot, i love them but i am not a religious person, help?

My dad is uncomfortable with his ethnicity?

My dad is uncomfortable with being Caucasian. My Mom is Japanese, from Japan and my Dad has always been into the Asian culture. He met her when she was teaching Japanese and he was her student. I am super close with my family but sometimes my dad really gets on my nerves when he talks about me being Asian. I think he labels me as "asian" because that would mean both my parents are Asian. My dad is less than a quarter Native American, but he looks mostly White and we have nothing to do with the Native American culture. I feel like he's always pushing me to say I'm Asian, but I'm not. I'm mixed, and I wish he would understand that he can't change that. He always tells me "Be proud of being Asian" and I want to say "Be proud of being White dad!" Cause he should.I want him to be proud of what he is, not pretend he's something he's not. Could anyone give me some advice on how to fix this? I'm getting annoyed with him trying to convince me that I'm just asian... when I'm proud of all the bloods that make up who I am.

Is she trying to find out if i like her?

i told a girl i knew very well 5 yrs ago, we made out a few times but could never be together, and just recently started to talk to again that she was in my dream. she asked what it was abt and said she was good at analyzing dreams. then she asked me how i saw her, if i had to give her a label, wht label would i give her? was she trying to figure out how i saw her? she said this was all to interpret the dream.

Can I make you believe in my Religious position?

I want to to believe that I am religious. I want to tell the Pope to spit on Muhammeds grave. I want to have my Avatar eat the priest at communion.

Friday, July 15, 2011

Unplanned pregnancy, please help?!?

Have you considered adoption? There are sooo many people out there who would give anything to be parents. And there is always open adoption so you'd still be able to know how it was doing after the fact. If you're not ready that sounds like your best option. If you can not emotionally handle getting an abortion I would definitely not do that you will forever regret it. I would just take it one day at a time and weigh out the pros and cons of each option. I wish you all the luck!!

How can I remember scales?

When learning scales on the piano, I had memorized the circle of fifths in music theory (which has helped me so much in all my years in music, highly recommended!). I then would sing all the scales on letter names instead of solfege. I had purchased a pitch pipe, which was not very expensive, in order to give a starting pitch if I wasn't near a piano, like at work or when I'm doing house chores.

Dears, is it sinful to call yourself a former Catholic if you never took First Communion . . .?

. . . and left the Church at age eight because your PARENTS made the decision? Isn't this bearing false witness? Please enlighten me.

What is That Joyful Feeling (About Holy Communion)?

one gets when taking Holy Communion like you feel so happy like your heart will burst and you thank God for this joy?

Do you think this person will be mad at me?

Don't beat yourself up about it!!! I am sure he found his way. Even if he missed a flight or a meeting, he will have a legitimate excuse. He could probably just switch flights if he was flying. But there is nothing you can do about it now. Don't feel bad about it though.

What should i do about this?

well im in abit of a muddle and i need help , well theres 2 lads who i really like and i dont know which to go for. one of them is called kyle and we get along really well and we used to go out for 5 months and he used to beat me up so we ended it but he isnt like that no more and we tell each other everything and he always has been there for me and he always helps me sort my problems out and hes just a nice lad but then theres this lad called callum whos such a lovely lad and really likes me and hes very caring but i dont know what to do because i dont know who to choose .so who should i go for ?

Fellow atheists, can we subscribe to a new label?

Yes I seen one once it is called the doctrine of unhappiness and it was written by someone that calls himself the Devil alias Satan known in the pre-earth life as Lucifer the son of the morning. I understand he is very miserable and wants everyone to be like him. enjoy?

Does it sound like I'm being lied to?*confused help plz*?

Okay, so I'm a weird state of things, my boyfriend dumped me for good, but he-he......I can't say really, we've been in this maddness for months; he says that he's only dating his new girl because she wants to piss off her ex/soulmate/ lord knows what; but when I looked on her facebook page, her and his name is scrawled on every post for all to see! but on her profile she writes the name of her ex, I think, as being her "one and only love". Not that I'm jeaulous or anything, to be honest I felt a little bit better when he left because he used me only as a security blanket and played all these games with me; but I still have feelings for him.......I still love him, and I'm also scared that if this realtionship with him and her ends badly, he'll come back begging me to take him back and I'm scared that I will because I still love him....despite all the stuff he did; does it sound like I'm being lied to? Like he's only saying it just to keep me dangling just in case? I really need some guidance on this.......I'm so confused and muddled...

Does anyone know what's wrong with me?

I'm a 16 year old boy, and quite worried. Over the past few months, I've been experiencing a cold sensation on the right side of my head. It's not painful, but really annoying. The past few months have also seen my gait change, in an embarrassing way. I walk in a bouncing motion, as my heels hit the floor first, this radiates up my leg and causes a bouncing movement. Recently, I've been muddling my words a lot, sometimes merging two words like familiar and similar, creating samiliar (this only occured once, but still!). I've also been a lot more tired, sometimes feeling lightheaded. I have already come up with a list of things that may be attributing to these problems, and these might help you guys give me an answer as to what is wrong with me. I've been carrying an extremely heavy school bag (one strap) for a good 4 years. This has led to having a neck problem - I became aware of this as my neck makes a clicking sound when I turn it - and may have induced a funny walk, considering it's hurt my back as well. My diet isn't the best either; I've made efforts with my five a day but eat A LOT of garbage. This may lead to me feeling tired as well as the fact that I rarely get my eight hours of sleep a day. Reading up on getting mixed with my words, I found that a lack of adequate sleep can lead to being at a loss for words, something I hope is the case here rather than something serious. What I'm really confused about is the cold sensation on the right side of my head. Incidentaly, my neck makes a clicking noise when I turn it to the right, but not the left. Does this mean that something may be out of place at the top of my spinal chord?? If so, this could link back to a funny walk, not sure. Please help!

Teens- does it annoy you when people automatically assume you're irresponsible?

Yeah, actually it does. You make a few simple mistakes like losing an Ipod or forgetting to do something and parents or anyone else label you as irresponsible or can't be trusted. When your a teen, it's normal to make mistakes and adults don't realize that it's sometimes really hard to balance life with school and friends and family and homework and more school. Adults don't remember that it's not all fun and easy being a teen and were still growing and make mistakes but it doesn't necessarily label us as "teens who disappoint us and constantly mess up and make bad choices in life", 'cause in real life we mess up, it's not all perfect. Ya live and ya learn.

Playstation Network Activation Codes?

First, make sure you entered the code properly. If that still doesn't work, I'd probably contact Sony or something because unfortunately most stores do not accept returns on DLC or cards.

Problem with an older guy?

So theres this guy. His name is Ryan. He is 15, im 13. We like eachother a lot. But my mom won't let us date until I'm freshmen because she thinks he is too old and wants me to be in highschool to date him. BEFORE I TELL THE STORY MY MOM KNOWS ALL OF THIS, i tell her stuff. Well we go to the pool together, and we want to date eachother pretty badly, like we can't stand it. When we go to the pool he will put his arm around me and hold my hand and he respects my boundaries and my mom's decisions completely, he treats me great and is super sweet. Well we aren't dating because we won't go behind my mother's back like that. But we kissed at the pool today, nothing big just an innocent 3 second one.. He also met my mom today too and she likes him. I dont know.. I feel like a hoe for kissing him and getting all close with him at the pool and we aren't even dating, I love it and I am totally comfortable. It's just afterwards I feel like I should be dating him and doing this stuff. We pretty much are just not with the label but still.. Advice? Please don't judge... That's sort of why I'm feeling like this, because people are so judgmental these days.. Help??

Why label ourselves as Individuals under a religion?

Then just call yourself a Theist and do away with organized religion, many people have chosen that instead.

To be a graphic designer, mostly for packaging materials, like cards and labels, what...?

I don't know how other schools work. But the basic courses I needed were graphic design, typography, illustration, and packaging design.

In your opinion do you believe this is wrong of my friend?

A really good friend who I consider my best friend offended me but I dont know if its wrong of me or not. My 9 year old son just made his First Holy Communion last week. (for those who dont know its a milestone in the catholic religion.) Everyone was really nice and gave him cards with a little bit of money. My friend lives out of state but still sent him a card. However she did not send him any money. This really hurt my feelings because just 2 months ago I helped with her baby shower (that she came here for) I purchased her cake plus gave her gifts. Just a few days ago I shipped a large box with more things for here baby. Not to mention I sent her gifts when she first found out she was pregnant. I never expect anything in return but my son is 9 and its a bit disappointing for him to receive an empty card. Her and her husband both have lots more money than my family and they couldn't reach in their pocket and a least give him 5 dollars. So I am a bit hurt by this, is it wrong?

Opening and Closing songs for a Mass?

well, i have to make a liturgy for my CPT and uhhm, i need suggestions. do you guys know any good opening and closing songs for a Mass? i already know stuff for the communion and yeah. so please help with the opening and closing :3 but if you have really good ones for the communion, then leave an answer (: please and thank you.

Do you believe in signs? I am freaked out by this?

I graduated college five years ago. I had a close friend during it, who was mutual friend of me and my gf. but after I broke upbw my gf the attraction btwn me and my friend grew to point we made out a cpl times. Then the next fall she said 'I've never done that w anyone who was just a friend' I assume she meant prior to me? Then i told her that she was the person I wanted to be with, and she said 'not right now' but soon stopped talking to me. I asked her why this was a yr after. She wouldn't tell me but then posted something on her status about how she loved someone whose situation made her run away. We then went four years without talking. Saturday morning I woke up from a dream about her and felt like consumed by missing her. Then I go online and she messages me out of the blue. i told her in the conversation about the dream and she asked what happened in it bc she is good at analyzing dreams. i told her, and she said it meant to leave my comfort zone. she also asked what label i would give her if I was, and i said she was a good friend i was attracted to you and that i missed her. Is this a sign? Do you think she still is interested? How can I find out?

Does anyone know of a way to cure chronic headaches and neck pain?

You can get the CD's of the book A New Earth, by Edkhart Tolle, what he says to do has helped me get rid of pain in an instant. Also, Jonathan Parker has excellent meditation tapes at Quantum Quests for all kinds of problems, they are not cheap, but are well worth every penny you pay for them. Eat good healthy foods and get yourself a juicer, and juice carrot, with some celery and a beet, and drink it often, you can put apples with it also. Cut out all junk food, eat only natural healthy food, and eat a high protein breakfast. Unity church has a prayer line, you can call and ask them to pray for you, they are great, and many will pray for your healing.

I was raised in a very religious household, but?

There is nothing wrong with that. No where in the bible does it say you have to go to church to worship him. I go to church because I enjoy the fellowship and I like it. Just remember though that not all people who call themselves Christians are. As long as you read your bible and fallow that then you will develop a relationship with God. Prayer does help too. What denomination where you brought up as or service do you go to now. I go to a non-denominational church and I like it. You might not have found the right church for you.

Big dilema - are my parents right?

what is love? Marriage should be based on commitment, and honesty. Arranged marriages generally have a higher percentage of success.

Why does my gf friend says im a jelous freak thats over reacting?

You've only been dating for 4 months and that happened, where's the future with her? That's not acceptable, just dump that ho and get a newer hotter girlfriend.

Legally Reverse Bipolar Diagnosis?

Sue the doctors who originally diagnosed you. If you can establish that they were wrong you can get your record cleared.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Why are so many people negative?

In conversation or answering questions. People are so self centered and negative. You'd think the world lost the art of conversation and caring for each other. All we care about is ourselves and what we desire. Sadly we will never be satisfied until we realize our true purpose. To be in communion with the Lord and spreading that love with others.

Can I get an airline employee when I'm about to board my flight?

You know that desk that you go to to check in or something and you give in your suitcases and label your carry-ons? Well can I get an airline employee to accompany me on my trip from Montreal-Istanbul, Turkey (direct flight)? I'm only 13 years old and I asked a previous question and someone said that human trafficking and prostitution was a big issue in Turkey so it wouldn't be a good idea to go alone. He also said that I would need to pay 100$ for the employee. Is this true?

How would you describe or label our friendship?

So I dated this guy last year from like late May to early October. I'm 15 now and he's 16. We were eachother's first serious relationships. We didn't have sex though (just putting that out there), but I'm one of the only girls he's dated that he didn't have sex with...he's had sex with six girls. and he'd never dated anyone more than two months, before me...which I don't understand why he never like tried to like pressure me or anything. Out breakup was really hard, but it was a mutual thing. Here's the weird part... We're so close now an have been since around December or January. We talk on the phone for about an hour almost every night, and share the same interests...and we always talk about missing each other and how we love eachother and we constantly text...but we date other people. And we dont make out or do anything sexual when we hang out, so it's not friends with benefits...but I don't understand what is going on between us. I think it's more than best friends.

How many calories are in this?

I would guess that it is about 1000 calories for the whole thing. Check, you can login with an email and it keeps track of your calories and a lot more.

Attn: Christians, Catholics, Agnostics: Is it a sin if you come to Mass late, or leave right after Communion?

Sometimes we are running late, and enter the church after Mass has begun! :(( Also, I notice that some folk, the minute they get the host they dash out the door. The last noticed group is the one that races the celebrant to the door. What happens to these people? What do YOU think???

What religion would you consider me?

Islam or Submission to the will of God the one and only and Jesus, is a great Prophet n messenger of God who will be our messiah b4 the last day of judgement.

"Writing a noval is it any good"?

First things first. You misspelled novel. Second thing, you had tons of spelling and grammar errors. Third thing, you put in tons of adjectives, too many actually. I couldn't understand what you were describing. I mean bitter clouds? Fourth thing, you randomly change what you are doing, and it doesn't flow. If you can improve that it could be good.

Which label thingy should i dress i not gonna act just sorta blend the style with mine?

Is really good to get shoes and bag as classy or whatever as you can afford, then you feel good in top gear even if you have days when your general glam is not as good as you wish.

If your godmother from baptism has died does your godmother from your first communion take that place?

I am Mexican, I have been baptized, I have done my first communion, and I have received my confirmation. For each of those I have had a godmother, unfortunately my godmother from baptism died, I didn't even get to meet her, does that make my first communion godmother and actual godmother or is it still a cultural thing?

Legally Reverse Bipolar Diagnosis?

Sue the doctors who originally diagnosed you. If you can establish that they were wrong you can get your record cleared.

Looking for shoes for confirmation/first communion?

I am going to Payless today and I was wondering if any of you have been there recently and saw some of the girls "fancy" shoes. If so can you send me a link to them. I am a size 7-8 if that helps?

Would you like the communion wavers to have a choice of mystery flavourings?

Since they are supposed to believe literally that the wafers become the body of Christ at communion that might get a bit disturbing. If I were them I'd hate to wind up with an armpit flavored one or worse.

I need album cover ideas?

Okay so I've made an album (Not from an actual record label), but at home on my computer to have people listen to my music & promote myself. My only problem is I'm having a hard time coming up with an album cover. I'm calling it "Collision" because it's a lot of different type of songs & styles all meshed into one cd, & it has a large pop-rock influence to it. With that given information, does anyone want to give me suggestions or ideas for the album cover? I'm a solo artist by the way(:

Attn: Christian-Folk: What happens to you if you receive Communion, and you have sins on your soul?

I was always told by priests, "Don't worry about it! God's Sanctifying Grace will take care of it all!" But, I'm not so sure. Isn't it blasphemy to receive Jesus into your body when you are unclean? What do YOU think?

Do you want your communion to be a deliciously cheesy spaghetti or thin tasteless cracker of dandruff texture?

You know what? This Pastafarianism needs to be taken up a notch; let's make religious holidays and religious dinners where we remember Him by having of his body, and drinking of his delicious Merlot blood. Now that I can believe in.

If record labels listen to your music what makes them decide if they want you?

a couple record labels are listening to my stuff and i want to know what they look for if theyd actually consider having me as part of the record label.i would just think your song has to be good, your lyrics, flow, and how you present it.somebody please help...

Where can i find chocolate uggs with a brown label? Please!!!!!!?

i really like the chocolate uggies. but i only like them with the brown label. so do u know where i can buy them from

Is a text appropiate or necessary in this situation?

A work colleagues child is making their First Communion soon and was wondering whether I should send a short text or not. I wouldnt even know what to say. Im not really friendly with this colleague and she talks about me behind my back. What would be the best thing here

Boyfriend has a child and wants a future with me, am I asking too much?

no, i don't think so. you will become part of the family and should have some say in how it functions. one thing you didn't mention that i think would be necessary - if you feel the need to discipline the child your boyfriend needs to back you up. good luck, hope he is willing to work with you


so when i go to acting interviews for work experience etc , i get quite nervous etc and sometimes when they ask why would you like to do work experience here and why do you want to act for your future career ? it all comes out in abit of a muddle , do any of you have any experiences to share or maybe give some tips and help on how to not get these auditions and interviews in such a muddle and be prepared thank youuuuuuu

Trying to create a Pokemon ROM, any tips?

Actually gameboy advance ROMs are typically programmed in c++ or some other compiled language. Advance Map seems to be able to do everything you mention though. Good luck with your ROM hack! :D

I Hate Being A Teenager :-( Any Advice?

I took a test to get out of high school early, now I'm about to head off to college after summer and I'm only 16. It's an option for you too, I suppose. I hated my high school years as well but for different reasons.

Could someone please give their thoughts on the theory of God that is confusing and muddled to me?

I think that everyone has their own "savior" you could say, and so "god" could be that little something there that saves you and that keeps you going. I dont think god is really a person or an object, its just something in your mind or something that just keeps you going. It sounds better in my head, so i dontt know if this made sense.

I think I'm losing my faith?

I was raised a Catholic. I was baptized, I went to church, I had my First Communion, prayed, confessed, I did all these things only because my family did them. Now I question my religion. I just don't really understand why people look up to these imaginary beings. I learned about evolution, and science in school. That all makes sense to me. Charles Darwin's Theory of Evolution just makes more sense to me. In my opinion. I'm really confused at this point. I'm so used to believing in God and Jesus Christ, I can't just throw that away, but I lean more towards evolution. What should I do? Yes, this is a serious question. Please no sarcasm.

Why the heck is everyone pushing me to get a girlfriend?

Just simply state why you wouldn't want to date a girl and you find them pushing you to get one a little controlling. You're in control of your relationships not them, so you find the right girl not them. Something along those lines, good luck :)

I feel kind of alone?

Go to your closet and grab the outfit that looks great on you and you like to wear, do your hair up nice, and go out. Go to the mall, The arcade, the club it doesn't matter. You are a wonderful person. You deserve to let yourself live and have fun. You will meet good people who won't stop liking you for something childish. Your (ex)friend needs to grow up.

Jehovah Witness': Why do you observe communion?

The Watchtower teaches that Jesus Christ returned in 1914. Why do you observe communion since the Bible teaches that we are only to observe it "UNTIL HE COMES"? (1 Cor. 11:26)

What is the difference in labeling of Ibuprofen?

At Wall mart you have Ibuprofen labeled one for migraine, another version labeled for inflammation, and another version of ibuprofen labeled for pain....all of these products have the same mg of active ingredients, I tell my wifes aunt who reads the labels and believes every word, that these labels are designed by advertising people and she needs to take these labels with a grain of salt..........true or false?

What's the best way to say to customers, "I don't want to tell you how business is going?"?

When they ask you how buisness is going just say ''ohh dont get me started on buissness goodness you try running a buissness 24hous and youll know know how it is '' and then end off with a chuckle and they chuckle back that way you wont have to make a big scenne about it.

Am I crazy or is this normal?

When I'm sick with a high fever I hear voices. I can't make out what they are saying but usually they are fighting and yelling and it varies of being a man and woman yelling or two men yelling. It sounds like I can hear them through a thick wall because their voices are muddled. I feel half awake and drift in and out of sleep but I can still hear them when I'm sleeping. I never hear them unless I have a high fever so is this a fever dream or something?

Do i have to confess my sins before i do communion in church again?

i had sex with my girlfriend and her parents found out. We go to the same church. So i was wondering if i have to confess my sins before doing communion in church again or how does that work i dont want to offend them anymore then what ive done

Doesn't Gingrich realize he's already in a terrible muddle that he cant get out of with his campaign?

I'm sure he must, given that so many members of his staff have abandoned him almost immediately after he announced. in the end though, it's probably more about him seeming to still be someone important with opinions that count. He's never really been anything resembling a genius, and only appears so in comparison to many of the pack he runs with.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

How do you become an Episcopal (U.S.A.) priest?

The best thing to do is to meet with your local Episcopal priest and the Vestry of the parish. There are some scholarships available but they are needs based. Here are the guidelines for the diocese of New Jersey. (a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

How do I add a link to images of myself on tumblr?

On my friend's tumblr, she has a link on the right hand side labeled "CNM", her initials, and it leads to pictures of herself. The link remains on the tumblr page, however. How do I create a link to pictures I want to put up on my tumblr page? Thanks!

Could I have A.D.D? I'd like to avoid drugs.?

All this is because of your way of thinking, over analyzing yourself, and self centerdness! Your so stuck in your own head with so many negative thoughts, you end up feeling depressed and so on. Medication, therapy, and so on is not the answer! Those things are only for temporary use! Getting a life is the real answer, getting your mind involved with other people, job, career, sports, volunteer work, interests, activities, exercise, hobbies, spirituality, etc! That's exactly what I did and I overcame all that stuff and I had been in 15 hospitals, attempted suicide, was diagnosed clinically depressed, personality disorder, you name it. I had seen like 50 therapists over a 10 year period. Finally when a therapist told me how self centered I was, and self analytical, the light went on. I began to make big changes in my life and get out of myself and got myself a life. Funny how once my life and thoughts changed and I involved myself in many productive things in life and helping other people, I got well!

Are gays in the USA better organised than those in the UK?

After all the ones in the USA have a "circle jerk" while their UK counterparts have a "bugger's muddle"

Would the Archbishop of canterbury invite Nick Griffin to holy communion and be prepared to wash his feet,?

Theoetically he could to show he was a "nice guy", but Nick Griffin is a such a swine, it wouldn't fall into Christian philosophy.

Arrrgghh diet fail......?

You are seriously over doing it don't punish yourself some treats are allowed and some special occasions look at the hungry girl site and eat yourself thin cook books

About catholic religion, help anyone?

Calling a priest father? Read 1 Corinthians 4: 14-15. Also read Acts 7: 51-53. I am having difficulty believing your stories. You have posted several questions stating you are Catholic yet you are displaying a lack of even basic Catholicism. You also say you were discouraged from reading the Bible by a priest. You must have skipped mass to avoid reading the bible.

How long until you are no longer a member of a specific church?

In all likelihood you are probably still a member, but you are probably listed as "inactive."

Which hairstyle sounds cuter?

If you've got to stick a label on my forehead I'm scene/hipster , so, I'm dying my bangs black tiger stripe design over a color, I'm tan (half Mexican) so what should I do the stripes over? Orange, like a classic tiger, or neon yellow, one of those two , thanks:]

I have a bad label from guys? :/?

a lot of guys try to get with me and i don't like most of them, but the ones i like say that i have like 19 boyfriends . and they mean it .... what do i do .

Her parents hates me and threatens me, ect our relationship is miserable but we want to stay together..advice?

We're both girls' so we knew that her parents wouldn't condone this, and her mom REALLY doesn't like it all. In fact, she hates it. My parents don't care and I put up with her mom. She threatens me and all that good stuff. She chases my girlfriend down wherever we go and makes a scene out in public, then yells at me calling me names and such. I really like my girlfriend. She said breaking up would be the best thing for both of us since her mom makes this whole thing a workout, but I told her we both didn't want to. So no. We can't hang at my house, because her mom comes and bangs on my door demanding her to come home and my mom and sister have to deal with that and she doesn't want to drag my family in. We hang outside. Constantly, she hates the cold. We always try to find a spot to hang but we either get too cold, or the cops kicks us out, or her mom is creeping. It's the same thing over and over. And when she comes home, her mom bombards her with questions. We do not want to break up. I don't want comments like heads up ect. We need help. How do we tell this woman to stop and accept us? When she was raised in a way where all of this is absolutely taboo. We don't want to hide...And I don't want her to go home to this crap. Please, it's been like this for over three months, but we had a thing since january, so well over four months going into five. Please I tried telling her that we'll just muddle through it and make a stand and don't budge, we are already, but she just makes our relationship miserable even though we do have fun together she just wrecks it. It affects where we can hang out, where we walk and when she sneaks out and says she's going for a walk, they call her and track her down on that AT&T program thing. They blocked my number. And when they pick her up, I have to leave before they see me with her. mdaosjdafknabfahdad they are so full of mad.

Is it common for someone to have the same godparents for baptism, communion, and confirmation?

My mom and dad are godparents to my neighbor in Mexico for all three. I was just wondering if that was common here in the states.